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HDMI/HDR display


I have just bought (yesterday) a new Medion Desktop Akoya P66095 from Aldi. See

I had read the reports in the German press where it has been on sale for a couple of months and it had very good reviews considering the price; albeit not for top end gaming.- gaming is not my ‘thing’.

My old PC is a 10 year old Lenovo without an HDMI output and it was connected to a Hanspree HL274plus HDMI monitor via a VGA cable.


I have connected the new Medion PC to the Hanspree monitor with a HDMI cable and the picture and video quality is poor; considerably worse than with the VGA cable on the old Lenovo PC.


Trying to adjust the picture on the Medion PC it states ‘HDR not supported.’


The back of Medion PC only has one HDMI connection and a ‘Display’ connection that are the old shape – and nothing works when the HD cable is connected to the ‘display’ connection. The other ‘display’ and HDMI connectors are the new shape.


The advice on the Microsoft help website is to turn off HDR but I can see no way to do this; and neither could the lady on the Medion Help line - her solution was to buy a new monitor but she didn't know what type/spec.


So my question is does this mean I need a new monitor? If so what type? As said previously I am not into gaming but it would be nice to have decent photos and watch videos.




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