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Binary System

Binary System



In the binary system there are only two digits unlike in the decimal system.

Computers and operating system-based devices work exclusively with this binary system. The reason for this is that everything is processed via electricity: However, electricity has two conditions only: On and off. Expressed in numbers, this is 1 for on and 0 for off. Either power is switched on or it is switched off.



8  4  2  1

0 0  0  0  0
1 0  0  0  1

0  0  1  0

3 0  0  1  1
4 0  1  0  0
5 0  1  0  1
6 0 1  1  0
7 0  1  1  1
8 1  0  0  0
9 1  0  0  1
10 1  0  1  0
11 1  0  1  1
12 1  1  0  0
13 1  1  0  1
14 1  1  1  0
15 1  1  1  1 


The last digit always has the value 1, and all further digits have a value twice as high as before.

In the case of the binary 1101, this is shown as follows:


Value 8 4 2 1  
Binary 1 1 0 1  


1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+ 0+0+ 1 = 13


By summing the appropriate numbers of ones and zeros, a computer can also represent numbers such as 22 or 32.


  1. Wikipedia:
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Last update:
‎21.10.2021 08:15
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