am 02.03.2019 15:36
am 02.03.2019 15:36
Hi, i want to change my gpu but i dont know if it will work or not my Mobo supports new gpu i will upgrade psu also so no problem there.
But is my bios locked for new hardware for secuirty reasons ? Bios mode is UEFI, last update in 2015.
am 18.03.2019 03:13
am 18.03.2019 03:13
It's not the BIOS but your OS which is the important aspect here. Your BIOS only starts your PC but after that it's the OS that takes over. So yeah, if you can remove the graphics card and replace it with an upgraded version that should definitely work out. ASSUMING: that your current OS supports the new hardware (if it doesn't you can apply drivers yourself).