le 24.09.2022 01:21
le 24.09.2022 01:21
Hi everyone, I've an issue since I've got this laptop. Everytime I use any media, either playing a game, surfing on internet or just by the own system sounds, the speakers make a strange noise like if it crackle for a moment. I've no problem playing any media file, is just that crackling noise that happens when I'm about to use something involving audio.
I've sent this computer to technical service but they didn't resolve anything, and I've been struggling with this for several months, but now I've discovered this forum; I hope anyone can help me with this.
So my computer is an Erazer deputy P10 with W11 (alpha), and I've made sure I got my drivers updated so I don't know what's the problem. Should I try contacting with customer support again? In the past, they kept my computer for about month and a half and first they just changed my laptop for another new (since the first got some overheating issues) and with this one they didn't fix this issue.
le 05.10.2022 11:58
le 05.10.2022 11:58
Hi @Brian_DP
Welcome to the community!
Do you get the same problem while using headphones?
Is there anything in the computers environment that could be causing any interference? such as high output transmitters, faulty electricals etc.? Although these shouldn't cause to many problems, I've seen it in the past so I want to just cover all bases!
Do you have the MSN number of the laptop there ?
le 07.10.2022 23:08
le 07.10.2022 23:08
Hi @mats749, thanks for replying! This issue seems to be exclusive to the computer's speakers; it doesn't occur while using headphones. As for possible interferences, I have some consoles on the same desk but usually they're off (not connected to the current) and my modem is in other room, so I don't know if that could cause the problem but I don't think so.
I've forgotten to say that this is my second computer: the first one was sent to technical support due to thermical issues so they kept that first laptop and send me this one (same model), but that first laptop didn't have this issue so it's exclusive for this laptop. Then, I tell them about this issue with the speakers and asked me to send it to technical support, but they didn't solve it.
As for the MSN, it is
Thank you for the help!