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Why won't the dishwasher switch on or won't the programme start?


Why won't the dishwasher switch on or won't the programme start?



Check the following causes:

  • If your unit has no function, first check whether the socket is working. To do this, disconnect the appliance from the mains and plug it into another socket. If possible, use a socket in another room (different circuit) to check whether the unit works there. If it does, there is either a defect in the socket or the socket is not designed for an appliance with this power consumption. You can test this by trying to charge a device with lower power consumption (e. g. a smartphone) at the socket. Everything else, however, should be left to an electrician.
  • If the display works but the programme does not start, please check and clean the door seal. The washing programme will only start if the door closes properly. The sieve and the nozzles of the spray arm must also be free of blockages.


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‎02.10.2024 07:33
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