Hello Bart, Thank you for your reply and the suggestion. Medion does not provide any BIOS update on the website and there is no Bios image in the original DVD's. Good point with the Fastboot. I remember having turned it off in the past, but with so many recent Windows updates, you never know if Microsoft has not decided to reset certain settings. And of course fastboot was reset to ON after the Creators update. I've set it to OFF and I can still boot the machine. But the BIOS access is not resolved : still the blank screen with the white dash. I agree, that problem should not happen after a Windows blue screen asking to change the UEFI boot parameters. But I could not get access to the Bios just after having adjusted that UEFI boot setting in order to start windows 10 normally. What bothers me, is that the Bios.rom backup file I've made is only 3072Kb i.o of the 8192kb size . I've reflashed that backup file, but of course it did not change anything. When I open the backup BIOS file with AMIBCP, it show the correct Bios ID and tag. But if I compare it with an XMG C703 or GS70 Bios rom, my backup rom is missing a lot of stuff. However all these rom's have the same Filesystem GUID signature. Yves
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